miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Re: "Holidays In Other Countries"

In the related websites English is used to discribe traditional celebrations from different countries, also the articles explain the origin and true meaning of every peculiar custom and how people from another culture interact with the natives. Here English is used because of its flexibility, because the entire world has become familiar with it more than any other laguage so it's easier to achieve a succesful communication process. 
We can learn from this websites the importance of using the correct components to share information about our own culture, furthermore to supplement the words with audio-visual material. 

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Re: "Kenyan Matatu Drivers"

1. How are Matatu drivers treated in his experience with the BBC? 

Even though they offer an important service to the entire community, Matatu drivers are treated like evildoers. The police extorted them and the people they were working for revealed to them the derogatory opinion that some foreigns have about kenyas. At least, in the end, they enjoyed that journey thanks to the presence of professor Kylo.      

2. Do Barranquilleros have the same negative opinion of mototaxistas as the Kenyans have of matatu drivers?

Yes, we have. Here in Barranquilla it is really difficult to distinguish a mototaxista from a thief because both of them use motorcycles and have to wear a helmet, so we create the idea of mototaxistas as a dangerous subculture. Furthermore, some of them have bad habits and obstruct the traffic, fact that supports the negative stereotype that most of barranquilleros have about them. 

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

Re: "Afrocolombians"

Once, the whole Latin America made part of an interesting cultural event called miscegenation, so we became the owners of a colourful and exquisite ethnicity. All of us have running through the veins the blood of people from very distant lands, including Mother Africa.
We are in debt with the Afro culture not just because we have treated them like a simply tool but because they are the ground of the most part of traditions we show to world proudly as colombian's representative folklore. Nowadays it's absurd that any person could think about inferiority or discrimination, specially people from a country that proclaims freedom and fraternity.     

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Re: "Favorite Carnival Moments"

Despite I'm not crazy about carnival, I have to recognize that I really enjoy the spirit of freedom that rises in every person that is in. I have been always mesmerized with the effect of carnival in social division, it is marvelous how the equality predominates and nobody compares himself, as in Venice, you will see the noble dancing with the jester.

My favourite carnival moments are those that include huge crowds and you can not breath so you remember that you are just another petite ant struggling to have fun. Being drunk is another important part of celebrations, carnival is almost a good excuse to be pleased with the worst of you without any regret: Most animal feelings appear and we have to attend the call of nature in aid of keep our colourful culture alive.        

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Re: "Tinariwen"

     1. What do we learn about Tuareg culture from this video? 

According to the video, Tuareg people sees tea time as an outstanding ceremony that includes the searching of spiritual relief and mental peace. Also it may be an space of sharing with family and friends.  
2. Keeping in mind what you learned from this interview, how does seeing the visuals within the video and knowing the meaning of the lyrics give us a deeper understanding of Tuareg culture?
The lyrics match perfectly with the descriptions of the music in the interview, they tell us about people full of passion that sings to redeem the sorrow of being mistreated by different circumstances. The images show deep and melancholy spirituality.

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

Re: Barranquilla - 2013 Cultural Capital

1. Why was Barranquilla chosen? 

Barranquilla was chosen because of its cultural cohesion, international projection and the optimistic spirit of the entire city. Furthermore, the nomination coincides with the celebration of the 200th birthday of the city.  

2. Will Barranquilla receive any of the economic benefits Liverpool hoped to from being named a cultural capital?

Yes, it will. This title will let the city recieve some international recognition thanks to the agreements with american and european TV channels.